May 2021

The vast majority of drivers, whatever the type of vehicle they drive, make mistakes almost every day. The guidelines learned during the process of preparing for the licence test are quickly forgotten, and instead bad riding habits are often acquired, and they can lead to unnecessary risk situations.

Motorcyclists are the group most likely to be affected by these habits. NG Brakes is constantly working to do its bit to make motorcycling safer. We bring maximum performance to a fundamental element such as the braking system, and we contribute with tips and suggestions for safer riding. For this reason, we will now describe some of the mistakes and bad riding habits that can lead to danger.

We have already explained details of motorbike clothing and maintenance as factors that contribute to safety. Now we focus on the rider’s habits and skills.

Not signalling the next manoeuvre

This is perhaps the most common of our bad habits when driving any vehicle, but especially when riding a motorbike. Not indicating our next move with the indicator, whether it is a lane change or a turn, puts us in a risky situation on the road. If you signal your next move in advance, you add safety to your manoeuvre. 

Not respecting traffic signs

Traffic signs are there for safety reasons, so we should not ignore them. In addition to the penalty that can be imposed if we are reported for not obeying them, the human consequences of ignoring traffic signs can be serious. Something as simple as missing a yield sign or a stop sign can lead to an accident if the other vehicle is not expecting it, and motorcyclists are usually the most injured in these accidents. 

Excessive speed

One thing is the speed set by traffic regulations (minimum and maximum allowed speeds), and another is the appropriate speed at which we should ride, which depends directly on factors such as the environment, the conditions of the land, the weather and our skill as riders. In addition, we must be able to anticipate the actions of other drivers and pedestrians, so we must maintain an appropriate speed for all these indices of possible danger.

Finally, we must include an essential aspect of road safety, which is confidence in riding, attitude and the right motorbike. Confidence is achieved by practising riding. Attitude, by not getting carried away by the emotion of mindless throttle, and the choice of the right bike will depend on your ability and skill.

Don’t fall into bad habits. Good judgement and common sense are the best attitudes when riding a motorbike.