Aug 2024

Travelling alone on a motorbike is one of the favourite activities of many two-wheeler enthusiasts. It is a unique experience that offers an incomparable sense of freedom. However, to ensure that this type of travel is safe and enjoyable, it is vital to follow a few tips. From NG BRAKES we offer you a complete guide to make your solo adventure a success.

  1. Know your bike and your limits

Before embarking on a solo ride, it is essential that you are familiar with your bike’s behaviour. This includes understanding its capabilities, how it responds in different conditions and, of course, your own limits as a rider. If you are new to two- wheel travel, start with shorter rides and gradually adapt to longer journeys.

  1. Planning

Planning is key to any motorbike trip, especially when travelling alone. Thoroughly research your route, destinations, stops and possible weather conditions. Planning ahead will help you avoid surprises, get to know the area you’re travelling through better and allow you to enjoy your trip more.

  1. Maximum safety at all times

Don’t underestimate the importance of the right equipment. Always carry a quality helmet, suitable motorbike clothing and rain gear. Also, make sure your medical details and emergency contacts are in a visible place. In the event of an accident, this information could be vital to those trying to help you.

  1. Essential kits

It is always better to be prepared for the unexpected. Carry a basic tool kit, a first aid kit, jumper cables, some food and torches. These items can make the difference between a minor breakdown that is quickly fixed or a major mishap.

  1. Devices always charged

Make sure you have navigation devices such as a GPS or up-to-date map applications at hand. Familiarise yourself with their use before you leave. Also, keeping your mobile phone charged is crucial, so a portable power bank or an extra line can be useful on long journeys.

  1. Stay focused

Focus is vital when you’re travelling alone. Avoid distractions and keep your eyes on the road, making sure you are always alert for the unexpected.

  1. Keep someone you trust informed

Before you leave, share your itinerary with a friend or family member. Arrange regular contact points with them, where you let them know when you are passing by, so that someone knows where you are at all times. This will not only reassure you, but also your loved ones.

  1. Pay attention to the weather

Weather can be unpredictable, especially on long journeys. Even if a light rain isn’t a problem, it’s important not to take unnecessary risks. Always carry rain gear to avoid the discomfort of getting wet during the journey and, in case the weather takes a turn for the worse, find somewhere to shelter until it passes.

  1. Manage fuel well

A common mistake is not planning fuel stops well, so make sure you fill up at every opportunity and know the location of fuel stations along your route.

  1. Be wary of strangers

Solo travel will cause you to interact with strangers at times. Be friendly, but cautious. Don’t share too much information about your itinerary or plans with people you don’t know well.

Travelling alone on a motorbike is an adventure that every rider should experience at least once in their life. By following these tips, you can have a safe and enjoyable trip. Remember, at NG BRAKES we are committed to your safety every mile of the way. Bon voyage!