• 04 Aug

    It’s a new month and a time of change. We at NG BRAKES start August with a new identity, including a new logo, name and much more. We are committed to maintaining our essence and constant commitment to innovation. But, as we’ve said before, we want to get much closer to you, the rider, regardless […]

  • 02 Aug

    Something big is coming and we don’t want you to miss it. Yes, we’re talking to you, a motorcycle aficionado, who rides every day, whether on long trips or just to have fun, on routes and curves that make the hair on your skin stand on end.   Freedom is part of your DNA, right? […]

  • 26 May
    Las nuevas motos eléctricas del 2022

    Sustainable mobility is the order of the day, and electric motorbikes are becoming increasingly popular in the market and on the roads every year. In today’s article we are going to talk about some of the best electric motorbikes of 2022 from our point of view. We will compare some aspects such as price, battery […]

  • 20 May
    kit básico de herramientas para moto

    The motorbike, as a means of transport, is an ideal partner that will take us wherever we want to go comfortably and as efficiently as possible. However, like any other means of transport, motorbikes need constant maintenance to ensure they are always in top condition. Obviously, the best thing to do is to take your […]

  • 22 Apr
    Indian Motorcycle

    The American motorbike brand Indian was founded in Springfield, Massachusetts, by George Hendee and Oscar Hedstrom. It was founded in 1901, just two years before one of its great competitors, Harley-Davidson. George Hendee was a US champion motorbike racer and Hedstrom was a very important engineer. He designed the first prototype Indian motorbike. In the […]

  • 18 Mar

    Along with Triumph and BSA, the Norton motorbike brand is one of the three most legendary British brands in the world of motorcycling. This British manufacturer was one of the pioneers in its country and soon became a legend. Its history began in 1898 and ended in 1992, only to be resumed in 2008. But […]

  • 17 Feb
    Tipos de freno para moto

    We all know that brakes are the most important safety system on our motorbikes. However, it never hurts to remember this. For this reason, it’s very important that we understand how all types of brakes and braking systems work, as it can be vital for our safety and the safety of other users sharing the […]

  • 11 Feb
    Royal Enfield

    The first Royal Enfield motorbike was produced in 1901, but the fact is that the brand’s founders had the project in hand many years before, designing and producing motorised vehicles such as four-wheeled bicycles and, later, motor quadricycles. The first motorbike produced under the Royal Enfield brand was manufactured in Redditch, UK, designed by R. […]

  • 29 Dec
    carreteras nacionales

    Spain’s motorways are the fastest, most comfortable and safest roads for travelling long distances. However, for motorcyclists, motorways do not have the same magic as the traditional national roads, which not only provide more driving fun, but also offer spectacular scenery for maximum riding enjoyment. It’s not the destination, it’s the journey that matters As […]